July 18, 2017

In It For an Unknown, Wide-Open, Full of Possibilities Forever

We learn in church that God created marriage here on earth to model the relationship He has with each of us and the church collectively.    

The realization below has made me better understand another facet of what exactly that means.  And as usual, it was a fear and uncertainty turned into beautiful, peace-filling lesson :) xx

In this fast-paced, ever-changing world, lasting, forever, heart-deep relationships seem ever easier to start but ever easier to be just .. gone.   We all hear that the divorce rate is way too high, that people seem to treat marriage as just another long term relationship that can be ended whenever someone's ready to move on.

So, how do you find confidence in being able to say Yes to a relationship here on earth with another person in which we are committed to each other, forever?  How do you know you'll like the person in 30 years from now?  Will y'all still like the same things, love the same things?  I mean .. I barely know what I'll be like a year from now - what my interests will be and what I'll be working on.  Let alone 30 years from now.  And definitely let alone another person.  

And then I realize, the relationship God and I have will mirrors the relationship we have with the person we marry:  

God ... this is how I view our relationship ... our ever-changing, ever-growing, ever-evolving, full of potential relationship :)


I believe in You
I love You

I will align myself to you and put You before everything.  You have showed me time and time again (maybe not right away :)) that you are GOOD.  You have my best intention at heart.  You have dreams for me.  Plans for me.  You've always got my back.  You care about me.  And not necessarily about my temporary happiness, but my eternal well-being that points me back to You and keeps me on track to living a life that Glorifies You.  

I am committed -      to You 

For now and forever 

Even though I can't always see You 
have barely scratched the surface of getting to know You. 

I know we will have to chase each other sometimes and will have our ups and downs.  Sometimes I will passionately seek You, and sometimes I will go off and do my own thing - pursue my own dreams and wishes without talking to you first and seeking or considering your direction and leadership.  

While I know You have known me and my heart since before I was born, from my perspective, it feels like we have only begun learning about each other and from each other.   I have NO idea what I'll be like in 40 years, 5 years, even tomorrow.  Let alone, what things You will teach me .. what You will look like in my life and what journeys and adventures you will lead me on.  But, I know without a doubt, You will be forever my rock, and that with You all things are possible.  We are in it, together, forever.


I always worried about committing to someone in which I have no idea who they will be a long time from now.  But, I think realizing that I can have such confidence in my relationship with God and feel like I have barely scratched the surface gives me more confidence that one day, I'll be able to say Yes to someone that God puts in my life to mirror this exact relationship.  

Now.  Who doesn't love an amazing love story? :)  I hope each and every one of us experiences this ... living and loving to the fullest here on earth, fully knowing Heaven will be even unimaginably better.

xx forever, hh

SHhhh inspired


  1. I love an amazing love story too! The one between man and God is the greatest of them all; one that will never end. God promised He would never leave or forsake us. 🌈

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