December 19, 2012

Is today the day?

Waiting. For a lot of stuff lately.

A phone call, an email, an advocate, a mentor.  I've been waiting, patiently, hopeful, anxious, for my future to call. A job, an internship … Waiting.

I was born to work.  That project.  That book.  That blog post.  That presentation.  That idea.  That work.  It's in my blood.  

When they pop into my head, I pursue ideas and opportunities like there's no tomorrow.  I stay up late.  I work.  It's me. I was born for this.  Work is in my blood.

And.... Nothing.

Then there's this pursuit of knowing what I believe. Of what I work for.  What I'm living for.

And I wait...

Will something happen?  Will today be the day where everything clicks?

Will I see some sign?

Will Jesus reveal himself to me today?  Will I bump into him? Where will I be?

Will I be in my pajamas?  Will I be brushing my teeth, taking a shower, on a run, cooking?  Doing laundry, chores, walking my pup, watching TV, listening to music, driving in the car, traveling to amazing new places, talking with someone, reading the Bible, reading another book?

Will he ring the doorbell?  Or will He just walk in, show up, surprise me?

I was born to work.  I want to flap these wings.  I feel ready.  I want to go. To make a difference. But, where to?  How?  With what?   I sooo need someone to show me the way.  This world seems so big.  I don’t think I can do this alone.  I don’t think I want to do this alone. 

And, I'm left wondering.  Will today be the day?

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