December 19, 2012

Know Why You Want It

Why do you want to believe in this stuff?

To give thanks. To feel like there's something bigger. To find the reason for these blessings in my life.

To explain all these coincidences.   To write these words and thoughts and prayers and to be able to answer … where did that COME from?

To explain the urges in my heart that want to know something bigger.


I want to be used.  I want to be stripped down.  I want to know my skills and strengths.  I want my heart and soul to be the biggest thing people see and know of me.  

I want to be stripped down clean.  To feel like my feet are getting me around and my hands and heart and mind are being used to touch those around me.  To be free to move, untied down to physical things, a physical home.  To explore the world and to know that I am never alone, that I am always protected and watched out for and always being guided by plan bigger than I can imagine.  To impact those around me for the better.  To feel like Jesus is my home, ultimately.

And as I go out in this world … into things unknown, I don't know what my life will look like, what things lay ahead.

I want to use these gifts to make the world a better place … to go out and use these blessings, to live out this plan.  While it’s nothing short of exciting to see what lies ahead, I still want to feel like I have company, a companion, to walk with me … for comfort … and guidance.

As I move, as I grow, as I seek to reach people, no matter how often people come and go, I move cities, work with different people … I want to feel that constant, that rock, that person always there with me, there for me.  Someone to lean on, to rely on, to entrust my safety, my gifts, my plan - my life - with.  

To live my life for something bigger than myself. 

Ultimately, I want to know this person, to know this God, responsible for creating my life … who created me and blessed me with amazing gifts for a reason.  To know this God, this big, wide, vast, wholly, always right, all-knowing, all-powerful God.  To know his plan.  To see his strategy.  To know what’s next. 

The Bible says Jesus is the way to knowing God. 

So to know Him - to have my protector, my creator, my guide, always by my side - I want to know Jesus. 

That’s why I want to believe in this stuff.


It's funny how life sends us messages sometimes... During the middle of a Gilmore Girls marathon, I perked up to the lyrics of this song (which is the Gilmore Girls theme song that plays at the beginning of every episod).  Have a listen ... it's a treat :)

1 comment:

  1. "To explain the urges in my heart that want to know something bigger."

    What you said reminded me of a C.S. Lewis quote:
    “If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.”

    I think that may be from Mere Christianity, so I may be giving you a spoiler, but whatevs. ;)
