December 12, 2012

Patience and Preparation … It’s Going to be a Long Walk

When I tell someone I’m getting my Masters, most are impressed and offer some form of congratulations or well wishes.  When I tell them I’m studying civil engineering, some go off the deep end and act like I’m Albert Einstein or something. 

While it’s flattering, these repeat occurrences of explaining what I’m studying have taught me something way more than my classes ever will.  

All the time up until this point, I’ve been preparing for where I am.  All the good schools, the great teachers, the one – on – one tutoring and homework help, the AP classes, and the encouragement from my parents, have set me up with a solid math and science background.  In undergrad, the rigorous curriculum of calculus, physics, and all the design classes always seemed so hard at the time.  They were always growing my limits and pushing me outside my comfort zone … all in preparation for the next, more challenging thing.  And, in my case, that next thing was grad school.  And yes, getting my Masters was very challenging, but there’s NO way I would have been there without adequate preparation and training in those math, science, and design courses.  And, not only the technical preparation from those classes has led to success at UT, but hard work and support from family and friends.


Until you get to a certain point … until you're prepared enough … new information doesn't truly sink in.  I think everyone’s had those ‘light bulb’ moments … or…. knows the difference between when we’re just cramming for a test versus something really ‘sticking’ with us.   Until you're truly engaged with an idea, it doesn't have the same impact.

I think topics with Christianity are the same way, especially since it involves both head knowledge and listening to what your heart tells you.  Learning how your head and heart talk to each other can be quite an interesting process… (I think that’s where I am right now).   

So, keep learning, keep asking questions, reading ... everything.  I heard once it takes someone 27 times to hear about Jesus before they start to internalize the idea of Him.  So, maybe this is #1, maybe it’s 26, maybe it’s 100. 

But, whatever you do.  Be Engaged. Internalize it.  Make it your own.  Work hard and seek the support of those around you.  There’s still a lot to learn and see along the way.  And, who knows… maybe you’re preparing your heart and mind now so that one day, maybe everything will click J

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