January 23, 2013

A Parent's Sacrificial Love

My Mama – A Snapshot
She is mine
And I am hers
We're kinda stuck together
No mater what
For a long, long time
Better or worse

And she'll let me snuggle up on the couch under her blanket and get in her warm bubble.
She'll let me lay my feet on her lap while we watch tennis on TV and she'll tell me all the gossip she's read about the top players.  
And we both like that mint chocolate chip ice cream.  
My Mama

Getting to spend some time back home is a gentle reminder: I am so, so blessed to have amazing parents.  My mama gave up a career so that she could raise my sister and me when my dad traveled for work.  And in everything she does, she puts us first. She loves us like crazy.  Overprotective… yes. Embarrassing…  sometimes yes. Almost always right and always there for support.  I could go on forever.  

And so, thinking about this immense love a parent can have for their child, I think of God.

Certainty part of what continues to feed the fire of my curiosity and seeking out of my belief in God comes from a rich thankfulness I feel in my life.  This warm feeling that there is a blanket of love around me and all the blessings in my life ... this is what leads me to believe that there has got to be something more to this life.

All this time spent with my mom and my family has shed a new understanding to the relationship between God and Jesus.

We’re all loved and promised amazing things like 2nd chances and eternal joy because of one simple fact. 

That God, a father Himself, would sacrifice his own son, so that the rest of the world could know Him and feel his Love. 

Can you imagine your mother or father giving you up willingly for someone else?   No.   As a daughter, I can't imagine my mom or dad doing so.  And, if I were a mother, I think I'd be even more convicted in my answer.

Is that the ultimate sacrifice?  I'm sure if I were to ask my parents, they would say they'd lay their life down for me and my sister - that they'd sacrifice their lives first so that my sister and I might continue to live.  But sacrificing my sister and me for some other person outside our family?   I can't see them living with that.  Giving up their children would be their ultimate sacrifice.  

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