January 29, 2013

Will You Be Enough?

Will You be enough

When my dad isn’t here anymore?
When my dad isn’t here anymore to help me navigate tricky career situations or help fix my car.  When my dad isn’t there to be that rock, that peace, that wisdom, calmness and security.

When my mom isn’t here anymore?
When my mom isn’t here to pour out her love for our family or make sure we’re taken care of.  When my mom isn’t there to talk to, give support, and love us no matter what? 

As my younger sister finds her way in life and comes into her own.  As my extended family goes out and touches lives.  As my friends struggle with their demons and can’t seem to find their way.   Will You be there? 

When I go on job interviews, and make weekend plans, and grow relationships with friends, how will I know You’re there?

I’m so full hopefulness and optimism about life and the future… but I am afraid.  Of times being bad, and loosing people, and the uncertainty of life and what lies ahead. 

When the amazing, wonderful, loving people in life do fail me, will You be there?  When my heart is broken or things don’t go the way I expected, will You show me there’s a reason, something more to look forward to? 

When I want to stop, give up, and feel like a failure.  Do you really want to see that?  To be there? 

Will You be the first thing I pack for a trip?  Are You the only thing I need?  Will you be my best friend, always with me, for all the ups and all the downs. 

Up until this point, the blessings have far outweighed losses and pain.

But, when all the people and all the things that I hold so close and so dear to my heart aren’t here, with me, will You be enough? 

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