February 1, 2013

Bible in a Year Commitment!!

Hey guys!  Heather here, in a little different voice than the other posts.  You could say this is more of my brain speakin' rather than that heart pumpin just to the south. 

I've been on and off going to Church and learning about God for more than 5 years. Dangggg right? 

I read my blog posts from even a week ago and think dang… something is going on here.  And, I know some people in my life think the same thing. 

Can’t help but wonder why my stubborn self still does not believe?  Like I gotta keep testing God, keep demanding more evidence, more signs, more messages, more something.  I sit here hoping and wishing that God will keep pursuing me so that finally I’ll see the truth.   But maybe it’s me.  Novel idea!  Maybe, I need to do some pursuing of my own.  Show some effort and put a little skin in the game.  Take my gratefulness for all these blessings in my life and do something about it.

So I printed off one of those nice 'read the bible in a year' plans.  And, I’m going try saying a prayer every day.   When you don’t run or ride or play for a month, you can’t just start off where you left off.  Maybe faith’s kinda the same.  And, perhaps posting this publicly will make me feel a little more committed to following through with the plan.

Sometimes my brain and heart feel like one big confused whirlpool, but I know deep down it'll alllllll work out in the end.  So, I'm just goina try to roll down the windows and turn on some good music and enjoy this ride.

One book I picked up a few days ago was a book called Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.  I’ve really enjoyed it so far – it has daily motivation messages.  Here is the one from today: 

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