March 6, 2013

Accepting Jesus and Asking for Forgiveness

Dear God,

I have had a wonderful life.  I have an amazing family who loves, supports, and believes in me more than I could ever ever ask for.  I am happy, I've worked hard, and have experienced success. 

But, that is Not nearly Enough.

Throughout my time as an undergrad student, I had so many questions, mostly driven by the fact that I had this overwhelming sense of thankfulness and feeling that there has got be something more than this one short life on earth.  There has got to be a greater power responsible for this life on earth.  I started going to several different churches on and off, and was exposed to Your Grace and Your Word.   I was so blessed to have amazing role models and Believers touch my life in different ways – people who invested time in me, who prayed for me, encouraged me to keep seeking.   My interest and curiosity continued to Grow.  I knew I wanted to know more – to know the person responsible for everything this life has to offer.   I knew I wanted to Know You.

Natalie and I met soon after I moved to Austin.  And, things have never been the same since.  She shared the Gospel with me, answered endless questions, was reassuring, encouraging, even when I was uncertain about where I stood with my faith and relationship with God.  And, every Sunday, Tory’s preachings at The Well seemed to speak directly to me.

I was scared to give up control of my life... I wanted to have a firm hold on my success, my outcome.  But now that I have released that control, I feel so much more incredibly free.  I am free to follow God’s plan for my life.  To ask and listen to Him for guidance and direction, so that I may humbly carry out His Will. 
This is such a celebration.

Jesus, I’m placing my trust in YOU, to lead me in the right direction.  I’ll lean on you when I have questions, problems, uncertainties about life.   I know you’ve been through pain, struggle, and the ultimate sacrifice to be in the position to help me, to save me from wondering around lost in darkness and the unknown.  I’m relying on you, trusting you, I need you, and I can’t do this without you.  

I need You to get to my ultimate destination – knowing the One who created me, made me, for a reason.   I want to know Him, thank Him, praise Him, rely on Him, be with Him, Know Him.  I am humbled that I may even have access to the God that created me… created this world.  And, I am even more humbled and in awe that I may Know Him and learn from Him.  Jesus, for far too long I have resisted accepting You.  Through your grace and your mercy, you have kept pursuing my heart and have finally made me realize what a blessing You are.  You died so that an ordinary, imperfect person like me could live, knowing our God, our creator.  Jesus, I am so excited to finally accept you as my Savior. 

I’m so excited.

My hands are shaking, my breath is short, my heart is beating faster. 
I pray, humbly, that You will Continue to pursue me.  Every day.  Show me your Greatness.  Give me the strength to pursue you, always. 

I feel like I have barely scratched the surface of fully understanding your Grace, and I am so excited to be in Your Presence and Know You More and More, everyday, for Forever.

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