March 12, 2013


Wow - it really has been a rollar coaster that last few days, and there are hardly words right now to describe everything.  But, without a doubt, I feel like these last few days are building on my foundation for the future.  It's not something to take lightly - but, I truly believe that I am loved and that I can trust that my life is in Good Hands.

I refined my 'testimony' - what I read right before I was baptized.  It was challenging summarizing God's work in my life into a short little speech because I can't help but feel like the 'everyday' testimonies are just as important as how God has arranged the course of my life so far (which is what I mostly focused on in my baptism testimony).

~ Baptism Testimony ~
It is by God's grace and forgiveness that I'm standing here today to share my testimony.

I have had a wonderful life.  I have an amazing family and friends who love, support, and believe in me more than I could ever, ever ask for.  I am happy, I've worked hard, and have experienced success. 

But as a freshman at Georgia Tech, I began to feel like there was something more to life.  I felt so incredibly blessed, and I began searching for something or someone responsible for all of these good things in my life. 

I started going to church for the first time in my adult life.  I was fortunate to have wonderful people in my life who invested in me and shared the Gospel with me. For 4 years, I took in a lot of information and sat through a lot of Sunday church services.  I think at that point I begun to understand and appreciate God’s power, but I still couldn’t say much about my relationship with Him.  I was doing well in school and work, was respected by my peers, and having the time of my life. I very much still felt in total control of my life. 

When I got to UT for Grad School, my first semester did not go as I had planned.  I had major doubts about whether I should stay in the program, and if I was even in the right place to begin with.  But, with these doubts came that hope that maybe I’m here for a different reason than to just study structural engineering?  I thought, maybe, perhaps, God has a plan for me.   

Late in that semester, I met Natalie, very randomly, and she began encouraging me to explore my faith and poured truth into my life.  Seeing her love and passionate belief in God and Jesus constantly stirred up that desire in my Heart to know God.  I prayed that God would continue to reveal himself to me.  And, once the Well started, I felt so at home and every Sunday, it seemed like Tory’s words were just what I needed to hear to help me grow in my relationship with Christ.   

 And then Through God’s amazing grace, I felt my perspective on a lot of things change: on relationships, careers, what success in life, what having joy really meant.  I started to feel the Holy Sprit with me.      

At different points, God spoke truths into my life that stopped me in my tracks.  Truths like ‘I am not alone’ and ‘God is at the center of everything’.   God and the Holy Spirit also started speaking to me through my writing, where they would inspire, comfort, and challenge me.  Through writing out my fears and hopes and prayers, I began to realize more and more blessings in my life, how countless prayers had already been answered, and what a blessing it is to Know God. 

It was through God’s grace and mercy, that I began to experience an overwhelming realization of the sacrifice Jesus made for us, for me.

Jesus, for far too long I have resisted accepting You as my Savior.  Through your grace and your mercy, you have kept pursuing my heart and I have finally realized what a blessing You are.  You died so that an ordinary, imperfect person like me could live, knowing our God, our creator. 

Jesus, I want you, I need you, and I give you all of me.  I feel like I have barely scratched the surface of fully understanding your Grace, and I am so excited to be in Your Presence and Know You More and More, everyday, for Forever.

I was so excited that my friends and my mom could be there to experience it :D

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