March 24, 2013

Lessons from Week 1

This past week was my very much anticipated first week of work!  It has been long and full and exciting.  Through it all I’ve learned a ton – but one thing stands out like crazy. 

A window into it all:
Getting issued new laptops on Monday
Catered lunches and snacks
State of the art office space in downtown Houston
Meeting and working with a group of very smart, very motivated individuals that all bring knowledge and experience and drive to the table
Conference calls with people all over the world
Tomorrow, I’ll use a car service (meaning – a fancy black car will come pick me up and take me to the airport)
I’ll take a flight booked based on schedule rather than price
Staying at the Westin downtown Chicago

And, I start to feel that sin creeping into my heart and mind and thoughts.  The feeling that I am … more important… that because of my situation and my job I deserve more… that I am above other people.

Jesus, I'm starting to see how very much I need you.  How I will constantly, constantly need to lean on you … reminding me the ever so simple, embarrassing-to-admit-I-struggle-with, truth.  That,

I am not more important than Anyone.

I am not more important because I'm smarter, because I'm faster, more caring, more passionate, skinnier, richer, more outgoing, more friendly, more witty, more hardworking.

I am not better or more important than anyone.

I am not better or more important than anyone else.


So… I want to be humbled… down to earth?  I laugh and think I have THE perfect example, all in my Dad, so close to home.  God, you’ve blessed me with someone so close to home, someone I respect more than anyone in the world, that exemplifies this Truth I so need to grow in.

<3 <3 <3
This morning, I smiled at the picture text my sister sent.   It was of food, a new place the fam was trying, and in the background I caught the sleeve of my dad.  I know that shirt.  And, I’ve known it for a LONG time.  He’s had it forever.   And then, there was that time we were at a home construction site checking out a neighbor’s house and the bottom of his sneaker literally started to fall off his shoe.  Definitely worth a good laugh.  Ohh Dad, always so down to earth.  And yet, you’re a VP at a major healthcare company, doing something I could go on for hours trying to explain and being super proud of and never really quite understand it.

Maybe… that’s one of the reasons I admire you so much.  You pour your heart, your intelligence, your wit, your instinct, into your job, and you work so very hard.  And, you don’t want to brag about it, or want status, or some fancy other stuff.  You want the good stuff… comfort, safety, peace.  Comfy couches.  Good movies.  Lazy weekends.  SHADE and big hats.  A job well done.   Seeing your daughters do well, learn, become contributors.  What an AMAZING role model… what a blessing from God.


On a personal note, this blog is starting to feel like home.  When I think of Grace, I remember times that I felt God so clearly speaking truth into my heart, times where I feel the Holy Spirit comforting me and blessing my heart and my thoughts.  Times where I feel open and vulnerable and true. 

The next couple of weeks are going to be pretty hectic.  Life is finally busy again, with traveling and training.  And honestly, I think being on the move is when I seek comfort in God the most. 

God, thank you so much for these amazing opportunities.  In the midst of all this excitement, I treasure all the lessons and truths You teach me throughout this one, amazing, exciting, blessed journey.   You amaze me everyday with your grace and your power.


 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3: 5-6


  1. Thanks Tory!! It made me smile to know someone reads this! :) Chicago is going well - one more week and I'll be back in the great state of Texas. Miss you guys - thanks for taking the time to read this and think about me:)
