April 8, 2014

Craving Your Presence

First, thank you for the craving to be in Your presence.   

Liz is getting married this weekend. It is a privilege to know Liz and Christian. When I think of their marriage, I get this soothing peace and joy feeling in me.  I know Liz has been working really hard on getting everything planned and organized and prepared. In wedding times it's easy to get carried away with the hoopla and people and excitement and amazing, pretty flowers and decorations  that Tannille is blessing them with... But underneath all that is basic, raw, life.  Underneath all that is this girly, pure and beautiful, a daughter of God. And Christain, a man made strong by God. And this girly and this man who found each other, because of God's grace. 

I am excited for them, as a man and a woman, joining together as a union, a team, as a couple that will set a legacy amoungst their friends and community. I am so joyful and get all warm and happy inside for them.   Sometimes I just like to be with Liz, not always knowing exactly what to say or advice to give her, but somehow just coming over to her desk, so she knows, I want to be with her, to feel this subtle, pure sense of celebration with her- that she is loved and treasured and oh so beautiful, inside and out. Man how cool is it that, come Saturday, she and Christian will be married. They'll be bonded, unified, and in a way representing God's bond with each one of us. 

Girly, you will make an amazing partner to Christian. You are a beautiful woman. And above all, forever a child, a daughter, a loved, cherished, treasured, woman of God. 

I love you a million times, and am so excited for you as you start this amazingly beautiful next, God-glorifying chapter of life.   

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