April 1, 2014

I Already said Yes

Haha.  I came to a very grown up conclusion today.  There are SO many cute guys out there!  Goodness gracious what an amazing world we live in.

Boytalk... really.  how productive is it.  Fun for a bit, but then, come on, go do something useful.

However, men-talk.  That is more like it.  Cute guys growing into Godly men.  Now that is something to admire and get all dreamy about.  Anywho, enough silliness.

Back to the realization I had in the shower at the gym.  yep.. again. those things are like think tanks.

but why does this matter?  i guess i've realized how easy it is for me to get carried away thinking about how one guy would be perfect ... and then nothing happens ... or one thing happens that makes me not like him anymore ... and then bam, another guy comes along.

i mean, really?  how can all these guys be 'perfect' and then out of the picture so quickly?

what makes a person 'perfect' anyhow?  i think most people dream about finding someone that
- will love them no matter what.  makes them feel comfortable, happy, safe, secure, makes them laugh, is fun, challenges them to grow and be the best that they can be.

how can all these guys i meet seem to be perfect but then bam life moves on?  how will i know for sure which one to say yes to one day?  yes - you're the one, lets do this thing called life together, forever?

but, you see, i already said yes.

i already said yes once before   .. to thankfully the most important yes of my life.

i already said yes when i accepted God created me, this world, everything, and started to know the holy spirit.

because the thing is, God is all of these.

all those qualities above, they're desirable for a reason.  it's what we crave, what we want, the security we need to thrive and feel safe.

basically, i like to think of God as my rock.  like, no matter what, He is there.  he is always going to be there.  you don't have to worry about him cheating on you.  you don't have to worry about him not having your best intentions at heart.  you know he is always working up some awesome plan for you.  he will always send angels when you need them (sometimes in different shapes/ways we expect them to come in).  you know he'll keep you safe (cause regardless of ANYthing that may happen to you here, there's this eternity just waiting for us when we stop living here).  he is the ONLY constant you can count on.  well, besides taxes and death.  but those aren't people, so let's not count on them to keep you company.

to all those guys coming and going in life.  who knows what will happen with that.  well, God has gotten me this far.  he seems to be doing a pretty good job so far.  it's funny sometimes to see things play out in life, and i just kinda laugh inside, sometimes outside, too, and think ha.  man.  God really did know what He was doin.  sometimes i'll even find myself workin real hard on something and i'll kind of have this birdy in the back of my mind sayin 'god's got this heather' ... either keep at it or usually... stop stressin about this!

anyhow.  bottom line.  boy talk.  ehhkek.  men.  yes.  thank you God for building them up.  but.  first yes is to You.  god will always be our one and only constant.  closest to our soul.  and men.  or rather. the guy.  that maybe one day i'll get to say yes to in addition.  icing on cake.  fun, laughter, companionship.  legacy setting teammate.  yes.  maybe one day.

I thank God for everything and everyone is this world.  What beautiful, amazing stories.  full of so much love.  that, hands down, is something to be in awe of.  now, however, tall, handsome. god seeking.  leader.  funny, smart,    that would somehow put up with this and ...    lol.  tehehe. ok.  it's time for sleep

love God first.
and the rest
will fall 
into place

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