October 5, 2014

Scattered into One Piece

one child




direction for

purpose fulfillment

1.            "He will open the right doors and close the wrong ones"

give every initiative my best effort, pursue ideas,
and trust God will orchestrate the life journey I am meant to have

when you feel like the world is your oyster, you begin to appreciate you can't possibly pursue every thought, idea, opportunity, relationship to it's fullest.  trusting I'll be led in the right direction :)

2.            love where you are

life is a journey.  weather you are so overwhelmed you take life day by day or you are bored and anxious to be in the next chapter of your life,  nothing in life is permanent.  if you think of this as a chapter in your life, treat it like that and live that chapter to the fullest - giving it the most character you can by fully realizing it's potential.  the book of eternal life is ... forever <3

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