March 5, 2013

Hearing a Truth

I was out with Gloriana, doing our 3 mile loop.    Early February (5th), one of those Austin warm nights and the sun was just going down so all around me was getting dark.  Gloriana broke off to do another mile, and I stretched downstairs, catching my breath, feeling the sweat and the burn in my legs and lungs and my heart pumping making my face warm and red.   

I wish I could remember exactly what was on my mind.  Looking back at the calendar, I see the day before – the day I got the call and the offer from Accenture in Houston.  For sure on my mind was, “what to do, should I take it?  It’s in Houston, not Austin like I had imagined working out in my mind – that image of the future, that dream that is so easy to let get carried away.  Is it what I’m supposed to do?  Is it where I’m supposed to be?”

And then

A thought

Like a truth being spoken into me, into my life, my thoughts, and my heart:

God is at the center of everything

God is at the center of everything

There cannot be life without God

It so struck me.  Stopped me in my tracks.  Wow. Where did that come from? Is that real?  True?  What does that mean for my life?  

Gloriana came back with the key.  I had to rush through a shower and head to a meeting on campus.  Life goes on right?  I keep going, fulfilling obligations and commitments, going through those motions of life.  But now, feeling that truth, so inside of me,

God is at the center of everything

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