April 20, 2013

Home Sweet Houston Home

"Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain."
~Psalm 127:1

I'm finally back home in Houston, spending the first nights in my new house.  This verse beautifully describes the feeling I've been having about the new house and, really, this whole new adventure in life.  

I've never been really good at decorating, picking colors and furniture and the knick knacks and pictures.  Every time I go in a furniture store, I end up in the 'cottage' section, the one with white-washed, distressed furniture and blue and white sheets and pillows.  I guess the subconscious thinks home should=comfort=relax=vacation=beach=cottage furniture.  Thankfully, mom and Mary Sue intervened a few weeks ago when I was picking out my new bedroom furniture.  After seeing the new stuff in my room, I agree with their advice that the beach looking stuff would be good for a year or so, then I'd wish I'd gone for something more grown-up/mature.    

Anywho, I'm having to remind myself to be patient.  Furnishing a house from scratch is overwhelming.  I kind of want someone to come do it for me, but I know, it'll be really rewarding when I finally, painstakingly piece together bit by bit a presentable set up, all with a personal touch and my own creativity woven into everything.  

I acknowledge that the 'decorators' in my life sometimes don't appreciate my 'it's just a couch/chair/bed/desk' attitude.  I call it laidback ... they call it 'Heather, how have you lived like this for a year?' when dust builds up or the walls are picture-less or the slipcover on the couch is forever messed up.... To me, it's focusing on the important things... a matter of priorities.  Like:
It's what we do, not what we have.
It's the life in the house, not the fact that everything's color coordinated.
That making things perfect on the outside appearance doesn't make things perfect on the inside.

With this new home (the new city and new house), I've been thinking a lot about what makes a home... a home.  When my mom and I talk about what kind of furniture we want where, I'm so much happier when I picture people here, chilling, being family.  Different scenes will flash through my head, different groups of friends in the kitchen, we're eating, or just chillin.  

I find peace in remembering that ...
this is so temporary.  Our feet barely touch the ground.  That we're living for something else.  That our home is not a magazine-perfect living room, it's the people you live and walk with.   

just some thoughts from the homefront.  
over n out

"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him."
Colossians 2:6

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