May 15, 2013


hey Grace

in a way i've started a new life.  everything's new, different.

the few strands of consistency. i cling to. the gt alumni network spring dinner.  usually i get a little nervous going to a group thing knowing no one.  but i embraced that family, all our quirks and jokes and common talking points.  those four years changed my life, then, now, and always.

the few strands of consistency. i cling to. visiting several bike shops.  asking about group rides, clubs, groups. what does the scene look like in houston?  where can i find people to ride with, swim with?  where do i go, to do the most basic of activities in this one big city.

dinners. lunches. happy hours. networks. whole groups of people.  new face new face new face.

I feel like a fish, moving through these different activities.  Smiles, laughs, telling my story a million times, the whole way.  but slippery.   Touching all these many lives, what impression will I leave?  What is enough?

I'm figuring out where I fit into all this. Into my project team, the overall Accenture team, the friends I'm starting to make here.

i wonder, as a Christian, what impact can i make?  what is my purpose, here.  with those i meet for 5 minutes, or those i will know for 5 years, more.

is loving enough.  loving like jesus does.  is one simple thing, love.  is that the moral. is that the glue. is that the message.

if it is.  complicated just got way simple.  everyone, for who they are.  sometime we have to dig deep to see the beauty in everything and everyone.  but we can because the greatest love gave us the ability to do so.  just open up to it.

'if I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.' 

yes.  complicated just got so simple.  words, people, men, women, things.  will fail you. 
but love 

... now that alarm clock ... takes about 8 hours to find that love...
so,over 'n out


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