August 4, 2013

Same Love - Pure, Unashamed, Forever Love

To the world:

Let’s relate.  To something we all experience, we all feel.  Having crushes … falling in love … dreaming about forever.

I remember what he was wearing, the first thing he said, and the way his handshake or hug felt.  The way he smiled.  Stealing glances his way.  Being super conscious of who he talked to and things he did when we were in the same setting.  The way  those butterflies would flutter around every time he smiled, came over, and talked to me.  Being silly and giddy. 

Feeling the comfort in his presence.  Being totally at ease just us or with a crowd of people around us.  The way we dream together, pursue purpose – the way we live, love, and build each other up.  My picture of forever including him … forever, without question.

His embrace feeling so strong, secure, loving.  Wanting to be his. 

The story of LOVE  … is so universal.  So joyous, so fun, so comforting, satisfying, fulfilling, enriching, challenging and rewarding.   We feel such a sense of belonging, of companionship and teamwork. 

And yet for so many, that pure joy is taken away.  Through judgment, outcasting, feeling uncomfortable, ashamed, unwelcome, and unaccepted.

“And I can’t change. Even if I tried, even if I wanted to.”
“Gay is synonymous with the lessor.” 
“It’s human rights for everyone, there is no difference.”
“A world so hateful.  Some would rather die, than be who they are.”
“Strip away the fear.  Underneath it’s all the same love.  About time we raised up…”

To all those who have opened my eyes and my heart:

I love you.

It’s a blessing to know you and walk with you through this one, amazing life.

We are all God’s creation, His children, made for our unique purpose. 

Let’s run with it.  Embrace it.  Love it.  And love each other with pure affection and joy.

Forever your sister,
love and hugs

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