August 11, 2013

The Explorer and Prayer Requests

Oh Explorer.  How I've missed you!  Even though your radio display doesn't work.  Even though the back window wiper hasn't worked in years.  It feels so good to drive you again!  It's fun.  I drove her to  church and the recycling center tonight.  Oh my my.  Cranking it up, exciting every time it works.  Like an old friend.  Oh there is nothing like the car you learn to drive in.  And all those adventures.  She is so faithful.  It's like a love affair with a truck and I seriously don't think this is healthy!!

Anyways, moving on to more Biblical things.  Although, I totally think my love and forgiveness (when she broke) was a huge way of learning to place my trust in God.  Makes me smile every time I think of the Explorer :D <3

There's so much to write, there's no way I can give all these topics justice for this one post.  God has definitely put a lot of stuff on my heart lately, and I've been struggling with how to really dig deep and present them in a nice little bundled post.  Most importantly is the time I've spent just thinking and praying and trying to figure some of these things out, and how to really seek God's grace in it all.  So, how about a list of prayers to change it up a little.

  • Physical Health - getting more sleep and eating better.  I'm goina try to be in bed by 9:45 every day this week... well, starting tomorrow
  • which leads to the Amanda thing!  She talks a lot about how hard it is to be vegan and having to constantly motivate herself.  Well.  Let it not be a mystery, anymore!  For a week.  We'll see how this goes.  Did you know there is some bread that is off limits (?!)  Turns out there is this really healthy bread in the freezer section.  Even has a Bible verse on it... Seems like a good pick.  Hopefully through this, I'll be able to relate a little better to her ... (suffering?)  (lifestyle conditions? :)  
  • Potential Roommate!  Audrey came by to check out the room and the house.  We got to hang out on Saturday and I met her mom and boyfriend.  Seems like a really good fit, a lot in common, she seems like a really strong Believer, and already it's made me reflect.  Just thinking about someone else in the house... just LIFE comes to mind.  Like having to be flexible and investing in that relationship to make it work.  Having is totally not the word to use there, more like having the opportunity to really put your trust in God.  Giving up control is something I'll always work on, and just like living with Gloriana where I learned so much about being a little less selfish with my time and resources.  I can already tell, having a roommate again will be an awesome experience.  Growing, with a lot of lessons weaved in.  Plus, fun.  Community.  Sharing.  Investing. Loving. Learning.
  • and... boys. I don't really know what to say besides.  God, please lead me in the right direction.  When I look to the past, I see what an amazing hold you had on my life and the experiences you presented me with.  Things I've learned, influences I've had.  Gives me  A TON of confidence and faith, that, you'll continue to bless my life, protect my heart, provide for me.  My neighbor came over today (to try out the LAZYBOYS!!!!!!:))))) and we had chocolate tea, and it seems like we often get on the topic of relationships and how they have really shaped his life.  Granted, he's about 15 years older than me, so he's had WAY more experience than me.  But it reinforces the relationship things I've learned from the Biblical Womanhood class and other things I've picked up in church.  And how, relationships not based on intention and purpose and what God sees relationships as can be REALly messed up and hurtful.  God, You are SO Good and created each and every one of us for a purpose and to be or not to be with someone.  So, I know I can trust that you will lead me (and hopefully a guy at some point :D in the right direction, to glorify you and to represent the relationship You have with us as people.
  • Ok, enough about me! Wow, that whole being less selfish thing.. Also in my prayers are Gloriana and Pam and everyone at UT about to start classes and research again.  My baby sister for KICKING butt on her first day of LAW school.  For Alex and Mariana and Santi <3.  For Natalie and Tory ABout to have their baby <3 For Alex my neighbor learning to continue to lean in to God when he's trying to figure out the dating and finding someone.  To Keri, who I just met :) and Kaitlyn from church who I hope to get to know more.  For Kim and Austin and their relationship and jobs <3.  For my friendship with Kim :)  For Celine getting ready to finish up her internship in Boston.  For Lawrence STARTIng a new relationship!!  For Luke who also seems to be looking for a girl - Luke, hope you always place God first and ask him to help lead your life.  To Tommy and Mary Sue planning their big trip! What a blessing - T came over to basically give my house manly TLC all afternoon.  And then they took me to dinner!  For Audrey and her boyfriend - for their relationship and for Audrey deciding where to live and doing all the 'growing up stuff'! :)  For Kiersten and Garad - girl I haven't heard from you in Forever!  But, hopefully we'll get to connect soooon.  For Tommy in Austin, who might actually see this!! for continuing your walk with God and learning and growing as a Believer :)  For JT and Katie, who also might actually see this :DD  Very thankful for y'all as brothers and sisters.  I pray for y'alls relationship, work, research, and JT, for your parents.  For mom and dad, dad for work and mom for planning our very awesome Christmas trip!! For everyone at work and all those traveling for projects in the morning.  For everyone else I haven't listed.  Seriously starting to feel like the Grammy's.  BUT, so many people and lives to PRAY for :DDD <333

God, thank you for your blessings, and your love.  Because of you, life and forgiveness and LOVE are possible.  

Ok, 67 minutes past the bed time.  This is a song they sung at church today.  Today was pretty ... folky... kinda interesting and fun.  This is a good representation of the service.

much love, over n out till next time, and here's to forever chasing Jesus and striving to show his love to people here on Earth.


  1. Glad to hear that you are back on the road with your Explorer! No matter how alone you may feel about your feelings for your car, know that I understand :-)
    Good luck with the roommate situation. I hope that it works out well - whether she moves in or not.
    Katie and I are thrilled to be your brother and sister, and that is really how we feel about you :-D Thanks for the continued prayers for us!
    Where are you headed for Christmas?

  2. Haha!!!! Yes to Jackie love!! I love your car too! :) Something about being adventured and loved and lived in :)) And yes, Audrey's movin to Houston in October, so it'll be cool to get to know her no matter where she lives. Believe it or not, the fam is going to Key West!! First all family vacation in a long time, so we're pretty psyched. As I was doing funsearch on things to do, I came across a sea turtle hospital ( and it made me think of you guys :DDD Next year I'll have to come with y'all to Padre for the release!! :)) Hopefully I will see some in the ocean in FL! :)
