September 29, 2013

Feeling Thankful

I feel so thankful for the last couple of days. 

Just a couple of things that stand out in my mind: 

-Mom and dad came to visit last weekend for Mom's birthday!! Now that I have a couch and comfy chairs that we could chill in, it made the house feel so much more like home with them here.  With them visiting my house, it also shed some light on me realizing that I ..a house. I've always been the one to visit my parent's home, and with them coming to me this time, the roles were flipped. It made me kind of in awe that, wow, I'm totally responsible for this house.. For supporting it, managing and paying the bills, the upkeep, cleaning, organization, decorating, furnishing, the scheduling of friends and family coming, coordinating a roommate(!!) and managing that relationship, for providing meals and entertaining when people come over. I was really in awe when I thought about my living situation from that perspective. That God has provided sooo much for this growth to happen. And, for providing a support network around me when it comes to household issues. Sometimes I have to stop and pinch myself to soak it all in when I look around the house. Every time I'm just totally blown away and think, wow, this is really cool. 

-God continues to teach me things through my cars.... Last night when I realized my car was towed :(( Grace was that a friend was still with me, drove me to the tow company, and helped negotiate with the intimidating tow people. Grace was that throughout the whole thing, I had peace, and that I wasn't too shaken up. It's just a car, what's done is done, and let's just focus on what we do to get it back. 

- Bloom where you're planted. Meeting new people is awesome and a ton of fun, but it can be really exhausting. I finally feel like I've met some girls that I'll really get to grow a relationship with and that will become my community.  

- Humbled. My manager and teammates have been giving me some good feedback lately so of course my head has been getting bigger. Friday I got to help out with the Houston office interviews, and despite reading the presentation and Q/A slides beforehand, I was definitely the weakest link out of the 3 presenters. While I think the interviewees enjoyed the comedic relief, the other two recruiters were able to speak so much more eloquently about Accenture than I could. They were great role models and something to work towards :) 

-As I rode my bike this morning, I was so happy. I felt really stong and capable of leading the ride.  And, I got to spend the day with a fellow ACN analyst, which was really cool. Houston is like one of the last places I saw myself moving to after graduation. But, as we rode through the Sam Houston NF, I was blown away with its beauty. Cows stared at us, cars practically moved over to the other side of the road to pass us, and the cloud cover made it much cooler. It was just such a beautiful ride. It was soo green. And hilly:).  Out in the country.  Lately, I've noticed I'm praying for things I think I want to happen. But, just like the Houston move, I don't really know what's best. At the end of the day, I should really be praying that God pulls me in closer so that I may better hear his plans to lead me in the direction that he has planned. 

Heard this song and fell in love:,sooner-or-later,x3q3qp.html 

Dear God, please use me in the way you planned. I don't know what to do besides be so very thankful for the amazing life you give us and the relationship you have with each one of us.

..And, to eat bananas to keep my muscles happy. And.. To save up for Your next.. Car lesson. :D 

<3 happy :)

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