September 3, 2013

With Me

God:) A million thanks will never be enough. 

What an emotional race this weekend. I did my first ever triathlon. I've waited this long because I've always been... Scared Of the swim. I've never been a strong swimmer, so I've definitely had to come a long way. Over the last couple months, I've learned so much about myself, about life, and how God uses even simple every days to teach and impress us with amazingly beautiful truths. 

More than ever I knew I had to rely on you. I prayed that you would wrap your hands and love around me and Gloriana as we swam. 

I was 100% sure I'd be a nervous ball of energy the morning of the race. While I did have butterflies, I was way more excited than nervous, which was so surprising and calming... To me and everyone around me.

It was pretty brutal, but the funny thing is, in pretty much all the pictures I have from friends that were there cheering us on,I'm always smiling. 

What really prompted this post was the feeling I got on the bike. Gloriana and I have this saying 'You Got This' as an encouragement to each other. Out of the blue, on the bike, I was really overcome with that truth. I don't know why but I just felt so protected. Like I was being watched out for. Like God was blessing me with the sense that I could really do this, really finish this race.  I got all choked up like I was going to cry.  It's a pretty weird feeling to have on a bike, with an elevated heart rate, sweating like crazy.  I got goosebumps too. 

I was out there having fun and truly felt like I was a grown up kid. God, thank you for letting me be your child, your Daughter.  For being such a Good father and blessing us, and letting us have fun along the way. For teaching us your truths and for helping me learn to find peace through trusting your Grace and Goodness. I also thank you for teaching me these lessons through getting to do really cool things with the people I love. For helping me accomplish dreams.  For helping me stay encouraged and focused through the ups and downs by seeing your bigger picture.

So in love and encouraged. I love doing things like this. There is absolutely nothing like spreading hope and encouragement. 

We have come a long way girlie!!<3

Got to share the expo experience with these girls<3 

Such an inspiring, strong, selfless, amazing woman:). I would have never done this without you <3 

This is such a catchy song that I can't get out of my head. Hears to being set FREE
<3 <3 <3

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