September 20, 2015

My Heart & The Biggest Treasure

Dear                  ,

I like you - for some (or many reason) which I'm not quite sure.  I'm very curious about you.  I want to have a conversation with you and I think I just want you to be curious about me, to ask me questions and really get to know me.  I want to know what's going on with you.

I just want you to
     like me
     notice me
     think I'm interesting
     watch me walk by
     want to be with me
     want to admire me and build me up.

I'm kinda hoping you'll call or message me tomorrow, or that in the middle of this whole wide big city I'll randomly run into you very soon - like right now would be nice.

And I'm really hoping that you're thinking these same things and like me, too.  We'll have a heart to heart conversation about it and live happily ever after with each other forever.

Love you already and can't wait to tell you that,

--- <3 ---
This seems so silly.  But, how many times have I been here?  You been here?   How many girls have had a crush like this where they've been so hopeful, been disappointed and let down, wasted so much time, and gone through so many of those really high ups and really low downs.

After being so let down for so long, I know the answer is simple:   To replace            with God.

"Choosing to identify with Christ means temptation will follow."  

Knowing that man (male or female) will always, at some point, let you down - why place all your hope and longings in man?  Why spend so many hours wishing away someone to like you?  All you TRUELY need is God.

     be Saved by God
     to have Jesus Christ's sacrifice
     to know and have the Holy Spirit with you at all times

is the biggest treasure we could want.  The Trinity is what we should really be pursuing.

From here on out, I'll try to remind myself of that everyday, and/or every time temptation of pursuing and longing for someone who doesn't see God as his most important relationship.

struggling heart,

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