May 22, 2018

A big, Humongous love letter

You know when you think of a friend, or someone, really often?  And you think to yourself - I should reach out to them and see how they're doing, set up a coffee date to get together and actually be a part of eachother's lives.  But then time goes by, you don't reach out and talk to them.  They'll come up in your thoughts several times, but at that point it feels like you've seen and talked to them cause you think about them so often.  But you don't take action to actually reach out and engage with them.

Long story short - engaging and getting together is REALLY good.  Just, GOOD.  I always walk away feeling GOOD, and engaged, and GOOD, and happy.

God, I'm sorry I haven't actually reached out in a pure, genuine, one-on-one coffee date type of way lately.  I know you know you've been there in my heart, but sometimes it seems like only when text goes to computer screen that I really, really, really engage.  That my prayers, praise, and heart fully come through.

I want to THANK You, so very much.  There have been so many ups and downs.  Really dark, deep downs.  Some days I feel so lost, so alone, so helpless, unsure, and unhappy.  Where I feel like I need so much.  So much hope.  Direction.  Encouragement.  And amounts of forgiveness for my lack of faith so large I'm sure it will never be enough.

But then.  Oh.  My.  Oh.  My.  How You remind me.  Child, come to me.  Trust in me.  We are out of tissues, so you need to stop crying now.

It is going to be more than OK.  Yes, there will definitely be times where you feel lost, not confident, alone.  There always will be.  But I use those times - I dish them out because 1) I know you can and will get through them 2) they will draw you closer to Me and 3) through those trials, you will have the opportunity to be a light like no other to those I put in your path and in your story.  You can LOVE people, and love on them, and show them a light amongst the darkness that only I could give you.

Today I have heard the word divorce.  A scary word that I don't even come close to fully understanding or being able to relate to.  How do you comfort someone?  I've been confided in about feeling torn, and lost, in business ventures.  And then a friend ring shopping and celebrating that promise and hope.

But Lord, in the midst of my tearing, flailing body and spirit.  You give me everything I need and more, more than I can comprehend and appreciate at the moment.

Today - these glimmers of hope and insight - fills my tank and reminds me ... I am a child of an enormous, life-giving, forgiveness-giving God that is the Giver of Life, now and for eternity - a giver of Salvation.

May your praise ever be in my heart and on my lips.

I will fail again, a lot, and not come to You first, not seek Your heart and guidance.  I will forget or my own wishes and 'plans' will be put first.  But just as I'm learning in business - it is good to fail, and fail fast, so that you can move on and keep trying different approaches and methods until something works.  With life, You are teaching me that You are Always the answer.  Always the way.

Thank you for the love story that makes this love letter possible.  The biggest, best one.  Thank you for always being here for me, through everything.  And in everything, pulling me closer to better know, love, and live out the best thing that made me, has ever happened to me, and will be with me forever, into eternity.

This is a long, rambling love letter about a love so great that no amount of thank yous will ever be enough.  How lucky am I?  Thank you for giving me a love of loving.   May my number one job ever be to Love - You, Others, and to share Your love with those that don't know it (YET).

<3 <3  <3

April 18, 2018


Tired.  Tired of everything.

Tired of being tired. 

I'm tired of complaining.  About being bored.  Lonely.  Of not making money.  Of feeling unappreciated.  Unsure of what to do.  Unsure of what to work on, what to work towards.  Tired of feeling needy of pick-me-ups and hugs.

Just.  Tired. 

Of life. 

Ready for something to change. 

Tired of feeling like every minute, every hour, every day is yet anotherrrrrrrrrrrrr mountain to climb.  Yet another set of unknowns to figure out.  Yet another web of 'stuff' to figure out that I might not feel good at. 

Tired of not feeling like I'm winning. 

Tired of going into so many teary fits with those close to me.

What happened to the happy?  What happened to the dreamer?  What happened to the believer that everything is going to be awesome?  What happened to the smile?  To the carefreeness?  To the confidence?  What happened to the miracles.  To the life changing heart-to-heart, get deep conversations about dreams, thoughts, plans, feelings, relationships?

What happened to the leader?  To the girl that did everything, and loved it.  To the 5am wake up to push herself, and to the late nights to make something just perfect. 

To the say yes to every adventure.

To the deep down JOY?

God, I know you got this.  But sometimes, a lot of times this past year, hope has seemed so far away.  I'm tired of crying.  Of those quite tears that creep into the corner of your eyes, and of those all out bright red nose, can't breath tears.  Tired of not being sure.  I'm trying to enjoy the present, to be present, and enjoy the gift of each and every day. 

Tired of feeling like something has GOT to change, but not being sure what, or how, or who, or where, or when, or anything.  Tired of that uphill battle that seems to never end, and seems to go nowhere.  Tired of getting frustrated so easily.  Tired of the no end in sight.

Basically.  I'm tired.  My soul is tired.  My heart is tired.  My spirit is tired.  Can You send it back?  Soon?  I want to be a positive influence on those around me.  And lately it feels like I have barely anything to give.  I miss the abundance of Joy.  Of happiness.  Of optimism.  Of confidence.

I think what this has taught me is.  Spirits, hearts - they are worth fighting for.  Sometimes they are parched, but as long as they have an ounce of life left in them, as long as they have any kind of heartbeat, they can be brought back.  That there are seasons and periods of life.  That people can change, even when they seem down, hopeless, and a bit lost.  This is also teaching me patience.  Patience for things to get back to where they once were.  To come out of this journey with more wisdom, more exposure, to this entrepreneurship journey, this risk taking, these ever so small and daily steps of faith, of working, of figuring it out. 

God, I am tired.  But deep down, I know Your love for me, and for all of us.  And because of that, I know You are leading me through this for a reason.  I'll be patient to discover it. I'll be faithful to seek it.  And I'll be strong to live it. 

<3 from the very bottom (literally) of the heart

ps  I will try to write more.  It is always on my mind, but usually I'm too tired to draft something.  But, as I have always known, it does feel lightening to get things on paper/screen.  To release it.  To share it.  To realize, if only to myself, that there is truly a lesson in everything <3

December 13, 2017

Keeping Your Eye on the Ball

Ohhhhh isn't it beautiful seeing how God teaches us things and prepares us so perfectly for the next mission and purpose He's guiding us through.  Even more beautiful is looking back and realizing how, at the time, it may have been a painful, full of struggle, confused following of God's leadership, but later on seeing how all those intricate details fit together like the most beautiful puzzle. 

Every single day since I decided to leave Accenture to pursue a career in real estate and home renovation has felt like a never ending step into uncharted territory.  Gone are the days where even the smallest things feel like they are on autopilot.  It leaves me feeling like I have so much to create ... to figure out so much.  Back in college, the idea of a 1 year, 3 year, and 5 year plan and goals was drilled into us.  When I lean back on that ideal ... I feel even more lost.  I hardly know what tomorrow holds, what my goals should be, how I'll make money, and so much more.  Question mark after question mark after question mark.




Question marks in what feels like every genre of my life.

Money - Never before have I 'worried' about my financial situation.  Should I spend money on a new pair of jeans?  Going out to my favorite restaurant?  A fun vacation and escape with friends?  With my income basically being negative, how can I afford to spend even a penny more than the most basic necessities?  Even more - I am a far cry from making as much as I did at Accenture, yet alone the exponentially more that I dreamed of by starting my own business.  As the months go by with no income, I wonder if I should do the "responsible" thing and go back and get a regular job?  Am I being selfish in pursuing something that interests me and can just be viewed as my next challenge?  And what about my legacy - ha... and how in the world could I ever support the dreams of other dependents?  So many questions because the current reality is so, so far from the future I envisioned.

Moving and relationship - Sean and I talk about Boise, about Atlanta.  We know each of our future's most likely isn't in Houston - but where should it be?  Will we move to the same city and grow GPH (and our friendship/relationship) into something incredibly awesome, serving people and communities by creating beauty in the spaces we work in ... or will we turn in completely opposite directions and most likely end the company and vision and relationship we've been building for the past year.

Career - Since Georgia Tech, it's felt like I'm part of one of the most awesome, professional, successful families when I'm connected to the Georgia Tech network.  Now I feel so far from that professional status.  Most days I wear tennis shoes or hiking boots or flip flops.  Jeans is dressing up.  I have no fancy office, office building, expense accounts, travel, or anything else.  I have me, my phone (usually connected to an Anker charger because it's used constantly), my laptop, and my car (usually dirty, dusty, and filled with paint, tile, cleaning supplies, or an endless list of other stuff).  Some days it just feels so far from the GT professional career that so many of my classmates are living out (not to mention my previous consulting coworkers and teammates...).


There's this little pea sized nugget of confidence, faith, belief, and knowledge.  It's that pea sized nugget that gives me just enough strength to carry on.

The song Enough by Brenan Murphy helped me connect the dots, especially these lyrics:

"Got my eyes on the score, took my eyes off the ball
Did I take it too far?
When did You stop being enough for me?
When did You stop being enough?"

Have I been taking my eye off the ball (the opportunities and people God has put in my life - right in front of me)?  I realize I'm thinking too much about what the final score will be - what will my life end up looking like - will it be a career and journey that I'm proud of and happy with?

There are so many fun, obvious examples of what happens when you take your eye off the ball.  Zorro, Sean's family dog we're watching for a few weeks, has endless energy and won't hesitate to sprint off when we even pretend to throw a ball for him to go fetch.  When he realizes we didn't actually let go and throw the ball, he'll have to run back and anxiously, patiently wait for us to throw it.  In tennis, same thing - you always really hit that sweet spot when you keep your eye on the ball until right after contact.  Not to mention every other sport out there.

I go back to that pea sized nugget of faith.  It's made of knowing how God has worked in my life so far, knowing that He is a good God, and that realization - that beautiful puzzle with a million different pieces fitting so well together.  Oh how He has prepared me for this for years.  And oh how I can see myself absolutely loving serving clients once I build more confidence and experience, and how I continue to see so many sad examples of people placing their trust and hard earned money in the hands of incompetent contractors that cause so much pain, frustration, headache, and expensive mistakes. I can do SO MUCH BETTER.  I can turn those painful experiences into one of the best, most beautiful transformations someone will get to tangibly see - right in their own home.

Keep my eye on the ball.  Keep my eye on the ball.  God has invited me on this absolutely amazing journey.  I had the faith and courage to say yes.  Now I need to stay focused and follow.

I gotta be open to whatever opportunities the big Guy up there puts in front of me to grab by the horns and knock out of the park.  Like the client He has already given me (how crazy is that??) and just the amazing level of learning happening every single day.  And how much He is stretching me to be an independent professional in a career that is just a few months old.

It's easy to see all those question marks as uncertainties to worry about and try to plan for.  But what if we saw all those question marks as amazing opportunities to be blown away at an Amazing story only God could dream up and orchestrate - it's just up to us to have the faith, follow even when we can't see how it all fits together, and serve and love whatever He puts in front of us.

Just like Windswept, our first flip, life might be frustrating sometimes, but oh how wonderful the end product is and the things learned and relationships built along the way.

My name is Heather, and I am committed to living out the beautiful life God has planned - in whatever form it ends up taking.  With Him, I know it will be beautiful and gratifying.

September 14, 2017

The Beauty of Communication

One of the biggest people in my life right now is out of the country 7 hours ahead of Central time.  With the time change and just the fact that Sean is off vacationing in a foreign country with spotty WiFi, I've had a chance to really think about the beauty of communication.

Since Sean and I both work together and are housemates - we are used to talking every single day and sharing experiences and adventures after work and on most weekends. 

The first weekend he was gone, life carried on like normal.  You realize you're busy enough to be wrapped up and to living fully with other people.  But after a while, you realize just how much you've grown accustomed to simply... sharing - to being together and doing stuff together.  And, how you're used to having access to eachother throughout the day and talking about any and everything after work. 

That urge to simply communicate and connect in a quality way for even just a little bit models the way God wants to be in communication with us.  He wants us to freely share the little things and the big things. To share with Him what's on our hearts - our worries and our hopes and dreams and thoughts and deepest feelings. To grow the bond between us by sharing, grieving, laughing, and dreaming together. 

1.  It's way better when it's a two way street
On a couple of occasions when our schedules didn't align or we hadn't talked for a few days, I noticed that I just kinda email spammed Sean over the course of a few hours.  I'll think I'm done communicating a thought or idea, and as soon as I hit send, something else pops into my head.  It feels good to share and express what I'm thinking.  But, there is an expectation that he'll be able to respond by the time I wake up the next day, and it's that hope and expectation that I'll get something back that are the deal makers (even if we have to communicate by email instead of talking).  At that point it becomes a conversation that we're both participating in instead of just a journal entry into cyberspace.  

God interacts with us in both ways - both by responding and sometimes not responding when we share with Him:   
1 - Sometimes we share but don't get anything back.  It's good enough knowing that "Hey, I shared my heart".  It sorta releases something inside of you to move forward and continue soaking up life experiences.  In some cases, that sharing with God actually helps you process thoughts and feelings.  Saying things out loud or writing them out helps you see things you might not have seen before when thoughts were just swirling around in your gray matter up there. 
2 - Sometimes you do hear something back (in a variety of ways), and that's when it gets really fun.  It's like the adventure continues - you're moving forward learning, building bonds, making plans, just being together and having common thoughts.  God can comfort you, breath new life into you and your efforts, can reinforce that you are carrying out the plans He has for you, plus so, so much more. 

2.  The quality of the connection matters
After several days without much communication, Sean texted me a work question right after asking how I was doing.  It definitely stood out to me and felt a bit cold.  Without connecting for a few days, I wanted to get to the heart of the matter.   What experiences he's having, any big realizations or things he's learned, anything funny that happened, or to share or relate something he's seen to an inside joke we have to know he's connecting uniquely with me and not just telling any ole person.  But no, he straight up asked if we had gotten power back at our flip house. 

All too often I think people go to God praying and simply asking for something. ... "God can you help me pass this test, get this job, help me know what decision to make". ...  

God genuinely wants to connect with us, not just get a status update or hear a laundry list of needs or wishes.  Lauren Daigle nails it in her song "First" with the lyrics "Before I bring my need I will bring my heart".

3.  It's better, together 
The first few days Sean was gone, it was nice to have some peace and quite again, and be reintroduced to the me that is an individual interacting with the world.  The person that intentionally reaches out to people more often to hang out, adventure together, or invites them over to my house to live life together for a bit and eat or hang. The person that can solve things for herself, provide completely for herself, and make progress by herself (especially related to work).

The first weekend I had to myself, I mostly worked when I hadn't made other plans to go out. I was making progress and doing just fine, but by Sunday afternoon, a neighbor came over and caught me in the middle of a brainstorming session.  Instead of just munching on a cookie or a taco, I overdosed on sharing way too much detail about what I had been working on and what I was thinking for one of our design schemes. 

After a while, I realized "Hmm, this independence is nice and all, but I don't want to be alone for forever".  That while I was proving to myself again that I can be self sufficient, I started to question - do I want to be like this?  In the quietness at the kitchen table as I worked on visualizing our flip house and in the loneliness of visiting Home Depot to make product selections, I realized it is way more fun to do things with somebody.  I think it's confidence-boosting to prove to yourself that you can do things alone - to remind yourself in that stillness of the quite power within that is what you offer the world.  But, it is way heck of a lot of fun to talk about it with someone, share, and bounce ideas off eachother.  You want to share your life's work with someone!  Way more fun. 

And thinking about who you share that with, wouldn't you want to do that with the person that created you, your story and the plan for your entire life?  To laugh and enjoy life by sharing with God?  He wants that!  He wants to hear what you think and to hear how you are enjoying going through this ride called life.  He wants to hear your progress, the game plan you're thinking, what you're working on, and what's holding you up.  He already knows it, but its way fun getting into those juicy details and working things out together

Final Thoughts
It feels good sharing and being fully known. It makes you feel lighter - like you can now go out into the world and fill up on more observations, experiences, and learn new things and make more connections. God can be that internal home that you go to.  Your forever best friend.  Your forever home no matter where you are and always up for those getting-to-the-heart-of-the-matter conversations - as long as we're interested in opening up to Him and engaging Him in the story and adventure.  

August 6, 2017


This post shares a few things I have learned from the guy God moved into the first floor of my townhouse earlier this year.  In many ways, and probably without even realizing it, he has brought me closer to God ... maybe more than anyone in my life ever has. The crazy thing is, it doesn't seem like he quite truly, intimately knows God. Yet. 

Through some of my interactions with MP (his code name for this post) and analyzing how they make me feel, I've realized nuggets of how God interacts (or desires to ineract) with us, his people. What makes the following realizations hit home so hard is feeling like MP and I relate to each other so well, almost better than anyone else I've ever know. In fact, sometimes I tell MP it feels like we're the same person (in a unique, but still kinda freaky, way).    The reason I say this is cause, after re-reading this post, I can see how some of these things may feel like a criticism, but hopefully, they present an opportunity for anyone reading this to recognize and grow, both as a person, and ultimately, hopefully closer to God.

Know Us

I was having a rough day work-wise the other day so MP and I went on a walk after dinner to get some fresh air.   After beating around the bush for far too many laps around the house, I tried explaining to him that my rough day didn't all stem from just work roadblocks, but that some of my inner turmoil stemmed from us not communicating well the last few days (at least, I didn't feel like we were communicating well).  For example, not getting past talking about tile or layouts or trim work (or the apparently 1 million other things that make up a house).  It sometimes feels so superficial, especially when I want to talk about other (deeper) stuff.  My entire urge is to just say "Heyyyy! I want to talk. Not about tile, but about you. What's going on with you.  Do you even know?  If not, let's talk about that, too. :)  Anything, everything, all of it."  In line with the saying that you don't know what you got till it's gone, I have realized (especially in the times where we don't communicate well), that 

More than absolutely anything in the world, I just want to know him.  I want to be let in to his world.

I tried telling MP that a good, deep conversation and truly connecting with him would completely, 100% turn my day around and erase the sour taste in my mouth from the rest of my workday setbacks.  But, for whatever reason, after trying to talk through things, I still wasn't 100% satisfied.  

So, of course later I wonder ...why?  What is up?  Why does it sometimes feel like we can just not connect on the same level?  Has anyone in his life ever truly tried to know him THIS well, this deep, and has been this persistent?  And forced him to process thoughts and feelings? 

God just simply wants to know us. He wants us to share.  He wants to be let in.

Even if He knows what's going on with us and our hearts, He wants us to come to him. Sometimes I can tell MP has something going on in his head and in his heart (just from knowing what's going on in his life), and I so badly want him to come forward and bring up what he's struggling with.  Sometimes I'll even ask, but just don't get very far.   I just want to shake him and say "I just want to know what's up with you. How is your heart. What are you thinking?"

I wonder if God feels the same kind of sadness when He knows and can see something is going on, but we don't come to Him first.  I think that urge to truly get into the messiness of feelings, heart-stuff, dreams, desires, goals ... that's the good stuff to God.  I mean, I know there's a balance for sure.  We're told in church that the #1 thing we can do is to spend time with God.  So, we pray.  But sometimes we just don't know what to say, so we fill the space with talking about random stuff, this and that.  Which is good, to just spend time with Him.  BUT, there for sure ain't nothing that compares to a good, deep, we-got-through-that-and-figured-tough-stuff-out heart-to-heart.

Know Him

MP and I brainstorm.  A lot.  I am thankful every single day that I have someone so sharp, logical, and inquisitive to bounce ideas off of.   

However, in some cases, he is quick to interrupt what I'm saying with his thoughts, viewpoint, and reactions.  I'll try to share something and then he'll pick up on one thing and start talking ... and, there he goes again... 

Which, sometimes makes me wonder afterwards:  Does he care about me?  About what I was saying, thinking, and trying to communicate to him?

When God is trying to talk to us, we can be so so quick to interject with objections and 'telling God how we want things to go' ... instead of truly listening to what He's trying to say and teach us.  Sometimes we can miss important things that cause us more pain and stress or confusion because we didn't hear God's voice reassuring us that this is His plan, and He is with us.  Plus, not to mention, hands down, God is God.  The end.  We should listen when He's speaking.  

Prayer is a two-way street, and just like God wants to hear from us, he wants to guide us, as well.  God invites us to share and be in relationship with Him, and then, over time, He slowly reveals and teaches us who He is (we just have to be quite and still long enough to hear and see it :)). 


Lately, I've become restless with feeling that MP just lets life happen to him. I mean, he works very hard and is super caring, but, but. Sometimes I just want to reach over and shake him (again) and yell "Pursue something!! Anything! With gazelle-like intensity - chase it, pursue it, with everything and every fiber in you. Pursue it!!!!!!"  ... Girlfriends, career moves, life changes, big dreams ... Just Go for it.   I want the absolute best for MP and I want his big dreams to be realized.

I wonder why it bothers me so much that he doesn't chase and pursue something with as much intensity and vigor as I know is possible or that I do.  I wonder... is it because 

I have intimately experienced first-hand how absolutely amazing it is to BE pursued and TO pursue?  

God pursued my butt for so, so long, and because of that, I know Him and will forever be His.  Experiencing the amazing effects of God's pursuit on your life I think instills in you this passion for pursuing dreams and people with everything that you have. Exactly like the book Love Does, where Bob Goff is IN people's lives and chases dreams and ideas like no one's business. He goes after life and absolutely GETS it :D 

As awesome as things are most of the time, life with MP is not always peaches and cream.  Sometimes I think it'd be easier if we didn't live together.  It'd be easier to avoid some of the things that we've encountered and had to address. But, God has literally put him IN my life by putting him IN my house.  Love thy neighbor never meant so much.. especially when he is directly below me by 2 floors and using my same kitchen and living room. 

So, I guess the moral of the story is ... pursue! Know Him!   

While sometimes I worry that I border on nagging or criticizing, I figure there is too much on the line to not full force SHOW UP, PURSUE, BE THERE, ENCOURAGE, LAUGH, BREAK THE ICE (/stone wall) and ALL OUT LOVE  MP.  Just like God put people in MY life to do the same, so that I could realize God was Pursuing me, loves me no matter what, will always be there for me and that I will always be enough for Him.  

<3  this one little kid that wants to share the endless
warm vegan chocolate chip cookies,
the cold powerballs with blueberries inside,
and God's grace that will FOREVER change your life.

August 4, 2017

To Know and Be Known

After what seems like too many


You realize it boils down to 2 simple, simple things:

I want to Know You


I want to be Known by You.




And, every step in that direction is full of JOY, DISCOVERY, ENLIGHTENMENT, LEARNING, and PEACE

knowing that you are heading in the right direction.

~~ To Know and Be Known ~~

<3 doubleh

SHhhh inspired

July 18, 2017

In It For an Unknown, Wide-Open, Full of Possibilities Forever

We learn in church that God created marriage here on earth to model the relationship He has with each of us and the church collectively.    

The realization below has made me better understand another facet of what exactly that means.  And as usual, it was a fear and uncertainty turned into beautiful, peace-filling lesson :) xx

In this fast-paced, ever-changing world, lasting, forever, heart-deep relationships seem ever easier to start but ever easier to be just .. gone.   We all hear that the divorce rate is way too high, that people seem to treat marriage as just another long term relationship that can be ended whenever someone's ready to move on.

So, how do you find confidence in being able to say Yes to a relationship here on earth with another person in which we are committed to each other, forever?  How do you know you'll like the person in 30 years from now?  Will y'all still like the same things, love the same things?  I mean .. I barely know what I'll be like a year from now - what my interests will be and what I'll be working on.  Let alone 30 years from now.  And definitely let alone another person.  

And then I realize, the relationship God and I have will mirrors the relationship we have with the person we marry:  

God ... this is how I view our relationship ... our ever-changing, ever-growing, ever-evolving, full of potential relationship :)


I believe in You
I love You

I will align myself to you and put You before everything.  You have showed me time and time again (maybe not right away :)) that you are GOOD.  You have my best intention at heart.  You have dreams for me.  Plans for me.  You've always got my back.  You care about me.  And not necessarily about my temporary happiness, but my eternal well-being that points me back to You and keeps me on track to living a life that Glorifies You.  

I am committed -      to You 

For now and forever 

Even though I can't always see You 
have barely scratched the surface of getting to know You. 

I know we will have to chase each other sometimes and will have our ups and downs.  Sometimes I will passionately seek You, and sometimes I will go off and do my own thing - pursue my own dreams and wishes without talking to you first and seeking or considering your direction and leadership.  

While I know You have known me and my heart since before I was born, from my perspective, it feels like we have only begun learning about each other and from each other.   I have NO idea what I'll be like in 40 years, 5 years, even tomorrow.  Let alone, what things You will teach me .. what You will look like in my life and what journeys and adventures you will lead me on.  But, I know without a doubt, You will be forever my rock, and that with You all things are possible.  We are in it, together, forever.


I always worried about committing to someone in which I have no idea who they will be a long time from now.  But, I think realizing that I can have such confidence in my relationship with God and feel like I have barely scratched the surface gives me more confidence that one day, I'll be able to say Yes to someone that God puts in my life to mirror this exact relationship.  

Now.  Who doesn't love an amazing love story? :)  I hope each and every one of us experiences this ... living and loving to the fullest here on earth, fully knowing Heaven will be even unimaginably better.

xx forever, hh

SHhhh inspired